Le isole del golfo meridionale : KO SAMUI,KO TAO E KO PHANGAN
Le isole del golfo meridionale: Ko Samui, Ko Tao e Ko Phangan
aggiornamento: 16/11/2010
A cura di: Stefano Gala
Punto di partenza e di arrivo : KOH SAMUI
Durata del viaggio : 10-15 gg
Mezzo di trasporto : TRAGHETTO
KO SAMUI (prefisso 077)
Ko Samui è un'isola vasta 280 kmq interamente ricoperta da piante di frutto. Si raggiunge in aereo da Bangkok (1 ora di volo, circa 3.800 bath a tratta) o in nave da Surat Thani (12/14 ore di pullman + 1 ora di nave). Il capoluogo dell'isola èNathon, dove ci sono i due moli di imbarco/sbarco per tutte le destinazioni: dista circa 20 km da Chaweng, il posto più frequentato sia di giorno (per la sua lunghissima spiaggia), sia di sera (per la moltitudine di locali notturni). La piccola cittadina non offre nulla di particolare, ma può essere usata per sostarvi durante il giro dell'isola, pranzando magari in uno dei tanti ristoranti presenti. Occorre tener presente ad ogni modo che a Nathon si trovano molti servizi, quali l'ufficio postale, alcune banche, l'ufficio d'informazioni turistiche, oltre naturalmente a svariati negozi.
A Ko Samui ci sono interessanti posti da vedere: le cascate di Nua Muang (tra Hua Thanon e Nathon) e Hin Lad (2 km a sud di Nathon), il Parco nazionale marino Ang Thong (composto da decine di isole coralline raggiungibili in giornata con gite in barca), Grandpa/Grandma stones (formazioni rocciose a sud di Lamai, nella spiaggia Ao Bang Nam Cheut), la baia di Laem Set (con il butterfly garden), Ko Tan (il principale di una serie di isolotti a sud di Samui raggiungibili noleggiando una barca). Da non perdere il Sarvi Monkey Centre (1/2 km. a sud di Ban Phut), dove ci sono gli spettacoli (ore 10.30, 14 e 16; costo 150 bath) delle scimmie che prendono i frutti dagli alberi. Interessante anche il promontorio di nord est, lungo il quale si trovano alcune baie di estrema bellezza: Thong Sai Bay è la più nota, mentre ThongSon, Narong Bay (la "baia nascosta" e difficilmente raggiungibile) ed altre sono le più suggestive. Proseguendo ancora verso Chaweng si incontrerà infine Chaeng Mon Beach, forse una delle più belle dell'isola.
Le spiagge migliori dell'isola sono: Bangpo, Maenam, Sunflower, Talingngam, Thong Krut, Tailing Ngam, Thong Say Bay (a nord dell'isola), Samrong Bay, Chaweng Mon e Chaweng Noy (a sud di Chaweng). A sud di Chaweng Noi si trovano alcune calette abbastanza appartate tipo Ao Thong Yang e Ao Thong Ta Khian, divise da alcuni promontori rocciosi. Da vedere poi le cascate di Nua Muang costituite da un paio di salti. Il primo è alto circa 18 metri, mentre il secondo, della lunghezza di circa 80 metri, è raggiungibile con un soft trekking di circa mezz'ora. Da Ao Bang Nam Cheut, spostandosi un poco all'interno e lasciando quindi la strada costiera, si possono visitare due templi, il Wat Samret ed il Wat Khunaram, il quale conserva la mummia di un monaco morto durante la meditazione oltre venti anni fa.
Continuando lungo la strada costiera, dopo Na Thon, s'incontrano altre spiagge non particolarmente suggestive ma meritevoli di una visita, come la rocciosa Hat Ang Thong e Ao Bang Po, quest'ultima nella parte nord dell'isola. Dopodichè si giunge a Mae Nam, una discreta conca sabbiosa abbastanza lunga e lambita da acque calme e profonde, da cui partono le imbarcazioni per Ko Phangan ed altre isole dell'arcipelago. A nord est s'incontra dapprima la stretta spiaggia di Bo Phut, quasi sempre protetta dai venti, e successivamente Bangrak, una stretta e scura striscia sabbiosa di circa tre chilometri. Lambita da acque non particolarmente attraenti, è dominata dal Grande Buddha, una statua dorata alta circa 12 metri posizionata in cima ad una scalinata su Koh Faan, un isolotto collegato alla spiaggia da un ponte rialzato.
Per quanto riguarda il soggiorno, per chi non voglia allontanarsi da Chaweng, è consigliabile optare per Chaweng Noy Beach, vicina al centro ma lontano dal caos. Per tranquillità e bellezza è tuttavia assolutamente preferibile la spiaggia Maenam Beach, non lontano dall'aeroporto e a soli 5 km. dalla vita notturna di Chaweng: è di gran lunga la più suggestiva e tranquilla dell'isola e offre possibilità di alloggio per tutte le tasche. Si consiglia vivamente di soggiornare al resort Anong Villa (tel. 24.72.56.), che offre spaziosi e confortevoli bungalow direttamente sul mare a soli 500 bath. Farsi dare il bungalow n. 4: offre una vista mozzafiato!! In alternativa, si può optare per i seguenti resort: Cleopatra's Place (800 bath; tel. 42.54.80.); Palm Point Village (800 bath ; tel. 42.50.95.) e Maenam Resort (1.000 bath; tel. 42.51.16.).
KO TAO (prefisso 077)
Più a nord rispetto a Ko Samui e più al riparo dal maltempo proveniente da est, Ko Tao è un' isola che si presenta con alcune condizioni climatiche più favorevoli rispetto alla prestigiosa "sorella". Quest'isola, dai fondali incantevoli e dall'acqua azzurra e cristallina come uno specchio, si trova a circa 4 ore di barca sia dalla costa (provincia di Chumpon) che da Samui, e a 1 ora circa da Ko Phangan.
A Chumpon si può pernottare al porto, dove c'è una guest house dal costo molto limitato (350 THB circa). I gestori della Guest House sono anche gli stessi che organizzano i trasporti navali da Chumpon a Ko Tao utilizzando veloci fuori bordo che coprono i 72 km di distanza in circa 2 ore. Ci sono 4 diversi collegamenti giornalieri per Ko Tao da 4 moli diversi, tutti fuori dalla città di Chumpon: l'ultima corsa è a mezzanotte, mentre la prima è alle 7.30. Il viaggio complessivo da Bangkok dura circa 11 ore (7 ore di pullman fino a Chumpon e poi 4 ore di barca), qualcosa di più in treno che dovrebbe anche essere un po' più caro (la 2° classe, senza A/C, costa 200 bath, la 1° classe costa 400 bath). Il viaggio in pullman VIP con A/C costa invece 275 bath (ultime corse alle 22.30 e alle 23.30 dal terminal sud; forse c'è anche una corsa alle 14 che costa 150 bath). C'è un pullman che parte da Bangkok alle 19.30 e arriva a Chumpon alle 5.30, con coincidenza della barca alle 8.30 e arrivo a Ko Tao alle 10.30. Si tenga conto che il costo della tratta Chumpon-Ko Tao dovrebbe essere intorno ai 200 bath per il Fishing boat (5/7 ore) e 400 bath per lo Speed boat (2/3 ore). C'è un Fishing boat che parte a mezzanotte. Per la prenotazione del viaggio, privilegiare le seguenti agenzie in Khaosan Road: Vista Travel Service; RIS Nathalie Travel; CFT Tours; Tami Tour.
Una volta giunti a Ko Tao non bisogna fermarsi lungo le sue due spiagge principali poste in prossimità del porto d'attracco (Mae Haad e Sairee Beach) in quanto sono mal tenute e danneggiate dall'incuria dei locali nonché dei visitatori. Bisogna invece raggiungere le baie che si nascondono attorno all'isola: tra queste si consiglia Chalok Bankao Bay (a 4 km a sud del molo, spiaggia molto ricca di hotel e locali anche per la sera) e soprattutto Sairee Beach, lunghissima spiaggia a qualche km dal molo di Mae Haad, dove la sera c'è anche molta vita. Da Ko Tao si può andare con un long tails boat a Ko Nang Yuan: il prezzo è intorno ai 100 bath per persona. Sempre in long tail boat si possono fare giri intorno all'isola alla scoperta di spiaggette isolate (1.000 bath a barca per il periplo dell'isola).
Ci sono molte possibilità di alloggio sull'isola, che comunque è spesso completa nei periodi di punta. HOTEL CONSIGLIATI Tropicana Resort (Chalok Baan Kao beach): bungalow a 300 bath. Tel. 45.61.67. JP Resort (Chalok Baan Kao beach): 250 bath Porn Resort (Chalok Baan Kao beach) Ko Tao Cottage (Chalok Baan Kao beach): 660 bath Ko Tao Palace (Sairee Beach): 1.300 bath. Tel. 456.504/5. Fax: 456.250. Assolutamente il migliore di tutti!!! KO NANG YUAN(prefisso 077)
In prossimità di Ko Tao si trova un' attrattiva particolare ed unica. Tre piccolissime isole, note con il nome di Ko Nang Yuan, sono unite tra loro da una meravigliosa e scenica striscia argentata di spiaggia corallina che assume la forma di stella a tre punte. In questa esclusiva località turistica non ci sono strade e mezzi a motore. La ricettività alberghiera è limitata a un resort di lusso (Koh Nang Yuan Island: 1.500 bath con colazione inclusa) e a qualche bungalow.
KO PHANGAN (prefisso 077)
Ko Phangan è raggiungibile con 1 ora di traghetto da Ko Samui (porto di Bophut) o da Ko Tao. La città principale dell'isola è Thong Sala, dove vive circa la metà degli isolani e luogo di attracco dei traghetti. L'isola è ricca di cascate molto belle (Nam Tok Phaeng, Thanprapat e Thanprawet). Si consiglia la gita Cactus Club's Reggae Magic Boat Trip: costa 350 bath (partenza alle 10.30) e offre il periplo completo dell'isola con fermate alle belle ed inaccessibili spiaggette di Hat Khuat e Hat Khor (chiedere al Cactus Club o all'Outback Bar a Haad Rin). Consigliata una gita alla vicina isola Ko Mae. Evitare per il soggiorno la spiaggia Haad Drin, troppo incasinata durante le feste del Full Moon Party! HOTEL CONSIGLIATI Asia Hotel (vicino al molo): 500 bath con A/C. Phangan Chai Hotel (vicino al molo): 900 bath con A/C. Tel. 37.70.68.
The southern gulf islands: Ko Samui, Ko Tao and Ko Phanganaggiornamento: 16/11/2010A by: Stephen GalaPoint of departure and arrival in Koh SamuiJourney time: 10-15 daysTransport: FERRY
Ko Samui (prefix 077)Ko Samui is an island 280 sq km wide entirely covered by trees of fruit. It can be reached by plane from Bangkok (1 hour flight, about 3,800 baht each way) or by ferry from Surat Thani (12/14 hours + 1 hour by bus boat). The island's capital èNathon, where there are two docks for loading / unloading for all destinations, is about 20 km from Chaweng, the busiest place during the day (for its long beach), and in the evening (for multitude of clubs). The small town does not offer anything special, but it can be used to stop on the tour of the island, lunch maybe in one of many restaurants. It must be remembered however that in Nathon are many services, such as the post office, banks, tourist information office, several shops as well as naturally.In Ko Samui there are interesting places to see: the waterfalls of Muang Nua (between Hua Thanon and Nathon) and Hin Lad (2 km south of Nathon), the Ang Thong National Marine Park (composed of dozens of islands accessible reefs during the day with boat trips), Grandpa / Grandma stones (rocks south of Lamai beach in Ao Bang Nam Cheut) Bay Laem Set (with the butterfly garden), Ko Tan (the largest of a series of small islands to the south Samui reached by hiring a boat). Do not miss the Sarva Monkey Centre (1 / 2 km. South of Ban Phut), where there is a performance (at 10.30, 14 and 16, cost 150 baht) of monkeys who take fruit from the trees. Also interesting is the promontory of the north east, along which there are several bays of rare beauty: Thong Sai Bay is the best known, while Thongson, Narong Bay (the "hidden cove" and difficult to reach) and others are the most attractive. Continuing to meet you finally Chaeng Mon Chaweng Beach, perhaps one of the most beautiful island.The best beaches on the island are: Bangpo, Maenam, Sunflower, Talingngam, Thong Krut, Tailing Ngam, Say Thong Bay (north of the island), Samrong Bay, Chaweng Chaweng Mon and Noy (south of Chaweng). To the south of Chaweng Noi pretty secluded coves you will find some type Ao and Ao Thong Thong Yang Ta Khian, separated by a few rocky headlands. From then see Nua Muang waterfalls consist of a couple of jumps. The first is about 18 meters high, while the second, a length of about 80 meters, can be reached by a soft half-hour trek. Ao Bang Nam Cheut, moving a little inside and then leaving the coastal road, you can visit two temples, Wat and Wat Samret Khunaram, where the mummy of a monaco died during meditation over twenty years ago.Continuing along the coastal road after Na Thon, meet other beaches are not particularly impressive, but worth a visit, such as Ang Thong and Hat rocky Ao Bang Po, the latter in the north of the island. Then we arrive in Mae Nam, a good sandy valley long enough and lapped by calm waters and deep, from which boats leave for Koh Phangan and other islands of the archipelago. To the north east meets first the narrow beach of Bo Phut, almost always protected from the wind, and then Bangrak, a dark and narrow sandy strip of about three kilometers. Lapped by the waters are not particularly attractive, is dominated by the Great Buddha, a golden statue about 12 feet high placed on top of a staircase on Koh Faan, a small island connected by a raised deck to the beach.As for the living, for those who wish to move away from Chaweng, it is advisable to opt for Chaweng Beach Noy, near the center but away from the chaos. For tranquility and beauty is definitely preferable to the beach, however, Maenam Beach, not far from the airport and only 5 km. nightlife of Chaweng is by far the most striking and quiet of the island and offers accommodation options to suit all budgets. We strongly recommend staying at the resort Anong Villa (tel. 24.72.56.), Which offers spacious and comfortable bungalows by the sea just 500 baht. The bungalow to be No 4: offers a breathtaking view! Alternatively, you can opt for the following resorts: Cleopatra's Place (800 baht, Tel. 42.54.80.) Palm Point Village (800 baht, Tel. 42.50.95.) And Maenam Resort (1,000 baht, Tel. 42.51. 16.).
KO TAO (prefix 077)More to the north of Ko Samui and more sheltered from the storms coming from the east, Ko Tao is an 'island that comes with some conditions are more favorable than the prestigious "sister". This island, from the deep blue water and beautiful crystal clear like a mirror, is about 4 hours by boat from the coast (province of Chumphon) and from Samui, and 1 hour from Ko Phangan.In Chumphon you can stay overnight at the port, where there is a guest house from very low cost (around 350 THB). Managers of the House are also the ones who organize the transport ship from Chumphon to Ko Tao using fast overboard covering the 72 km distance in about 2 hours. 4 There are several daily flights to Koh Tao piers from 4 different, all outside the city of Chumphon: the last one is at midnight, while the first is at 7.30. The total trip from Bangkok takes about 11 hours (7 hours by bus to Chumphon and then 4 hours by boat), train or something more should also be a bit 'more expensive (the 2 nd class, without A / C, costs 200 baht, the 1 st class costs 400 baht). The VIP bus trip with A / C costs about 275 baht (last rides at 22.30 to 23.30 and from the south terminal, maybe there's a race to 14, which costs 150 baht). There is a bus that departs from Bangkok at 19.30 and arrives in Chumphon at 5.30, coinciding with the arrival of the boat at 8.30 am and 10.30 am in Ko Tao. Keep in mind that the cost of Ko Tao is Chumphon-should be around 200 baht for the Fishing boat (5 / 7 hours) and 400 baht for Speed boat (2 / 3 hours). There is a fishing boat that leaves at midnight. For booking the trip, favor the following agencies in Khaosan Road: Vista Travel Service, Travel RIS Nathalie; CFT Tours, Tour TamiOnce arrived in Ko Tao we must not stop on its two main beaches located near the port, (Mae Haad and Sairee Beach) as they are poorly maintained and damaged by neglect of local and visitors. Instead we must reach the bays that are hidden around the island: among these we recommend Chalok Bankai Bay (4 km south of the pier, beach and very rich in local hotels for the evening) and above Sairee Beach, long beach a few km from the pier in Mae Haad, where at night there is plenty of life. From Ko Tao you can go with a long tails boat to Ko Nang Yuan: The price is around 100 baht per person. Still on long-tail boat rides around the island you can discover secluded beaches (1,000 baht per boat for the circumnavigation of the island).There are many possibilities for accommodation on the island, however, is often full during peak periods. Featured Hotels Tropicana Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok): bungalows to 300 baht. Tel 45.61.67. JP Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok): 250 baht Porn Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok) Ko Tao Cottage (Chalok Baan Kao beach): 660 baht Ko Tao Palace (Sairee Beach): 1,300 baht. Tel 456 504 / 5. Fax: 456,250. Absolutely the best of all! Ko Nang Yuan (prefix 077)In the vicinity of Ko Tao is a 'special and unique appeal. Three small islands, known as Ko Nang Yuan, are joined together by a wonderful and scenic stretch of beach silver reef that takes the form of three-pointed star. In this exclusive resort there are no roads and motor vehicles. The hotel accommodation is limited to a luxury resort (Koh Nang Yuan Island: 1,500 baht including breakfast) and a few bungalows.Ko Phangan (prefix 077)Ko Phangan is reached by 1 hour by boat from Ko Samui (Bophut port) or from Ko Tao. The island's main town Thong Sala, home to about half of the island and place of the ferry docks. The island is full of very beautiful waterfall (Nam Tok Phaeng, and Thanprapat Thanprawet). We recommend a trip Cactus Club's Reggae Magic Boat Trip: costs 350 baht (departure at 10.30) and offers the complete circumnavigation of the island with stops at beautiful and inaccessible beaches of Hat and Hat Khuat Khor (ask at the Cactus Club or the Outback Bar in Haad Rin). We suggest a trip to the nearby island of Ko Mae. Do not stay for the beach Haad Drin, too messy at the festivals of the Full Moon Party! Featured Hotels Asia Hotel (near the pier): 500 baht with A / C. Phangan Chai Hotel (near the pier): 900 baht with A / C. Tel 37.70.68.
The southern gulf islands: Ko Samui, Ko Tao and Ko Phanganaggiornamento: 16/11/2010A by: Stephen GalaPoint of departure and arrival in Koh SamuiJourney time: 10-15 daysTransport: FERRY
Ko Samui (prefix 077)Ko Samui is an island 280 sq km wide entirely covered by trees of fruit. It can be reached by plane from Bangkok (1 hour flight, about 3,800 baht each way) or by ferry from Surat Thani (12/14 hours + 1 hour by bus boat). The island's capital èNathon, where there are two docks for loading / unloading for all destinations, is about 20 km from Chaweng, the busiest place during the day (for its long beach), and in the evening (for multitude of clubs). The small town does not offer anything special, but it can be used to stop on the tour of the island, lunch maybe in one of many restaurants. It must be remembered however that in Nathon are many services, such as the post office, banks, tourist information office, several shops as well as naturally.In Ko Samui there are interesting places to see: the waterfalls of Muang Nua (between Hua Thanon and Nathon) and Hin Lad (2 km south of Nathon), the Ang Thong National Marine Park (composed of dozens of islands accessible reefs during the day with boat trips), Grandpa / Grandma stones (rocks south of Lamai beach in Ao Bang Nam Cheut) Bay Laem Set (with the butterfly garden), Ko Tan (the largest of a series of small islands to the south Samui reached by hiring a boat). Do not miss the Sarva Monkey Centre (1 / 2 km. South of Ban Phut), where there is a performance (at 10.30, 14 and 16, cost 150 baht) of monkeys who take fruit from the trees. Also interesting is the promontory of the north east, along which there are several bays of rare beauty: Thong Sai Bay is the best known, while Thongson, Narong Bay (the "hidden cove" and difficult to reach) and others are the most attractive. Continuing to meet you finally Chaeng Mon Chaweng Beach, perhaps one of the most beautiful island.The best beaches on the island are: Bangpo, Maenam, Sunflower, Talingngam, Thong Krut, Tailing Ngam, Say Thong Bay (north of the island), Samrong Bay, Chaweng Chaweng Mon and Noy (south of Chaweng). To the south of Chaweng Noi pretty secluded coves you will find some type Ao and Ao Thong Thong Yang Ta Khian, separated by a few rocky headlands. From then see Nua Muang waterfalls consist of a couple of jumps. The first is about 18 meters high, while the second, a length of about 80 meters, can be reached by a soft half-hour trek. Ao Bang Nam Cheut, moving a little inside and then leaving the coastal road, you can visit two temples, Wat and Wat Samret Khunaram, where the mummy of a monaco died during meditation over twenty years ago.Continuing along the coastal road after Na Thon, meet other beaches are not particularly impressive, but worth a visit, such as Ang Thong and Hat rocky Ao Bang Po, the latter in the north of the island. Then we arrive in Mae Nam, a good sandy valley long enough and lapped by calm waters and deep, from which boats leave for Koh Phangan and other islands of the archipelago. To the north east meets first the narrow beach of Bo Phut, almost always protected from the wind, and then Bangrak, a dark and narrow sandy strip of about three kilometers. Lapped by the waters are not particularly attractive, is dominated by the Great Buddha, a golden statue about 12 feet high placed on top of a staircase on Koh Faan, a small island connected by a raised deck to the beach.As for the living, for those who wish to move away from Chaweng, it is advisable to opt for Chaweng Beach Noy, near the center but away from the chaos. For tranquility and beauty is definitely preferable to the beach, however, Maenam Beach, not far from the airport and only 5 km. nightlife of Chaweng is by far the most striking and quiet of the island and offers accommodation options to suit all budgets. We strongly recommend staying at the resort Anong Villa (tel. 24.72.56.), Which offers spacious and comfortable bungalows by the sea just 500 baht. The bungalow to be No 4: offers a breathtaking view! Alternatively, you can opt for the following resorts: Cleopatra's Place (800 baht, Tel. 42.54.80.) Palm Point Village (800 baht, Tel. 42.50.95.) And Maenam Resort (1,000 baht, Tel. 42.51. 16.).
KO TAO (prefix 077)More to the north of Ko Samui and more sheltered from the storms coming from the east, Ko Tao is an 'island that comes with some conditions are more favorable than the prestigious "sister". This island, from the deep blue water and beautiful crystal clear like a mirror, is about 4 hours by boat from the coast (province of Chumphon) and from Samui, and 1 hour from Ko Phangan.In Chumphon you can stay overnight at the port, where there is a guest house from very low cost (around 350 THB). Managers of the House are also the ones who organize the transport ship from Chumphon to Ko Tao using fast overboard covering the 72 km distance in about 2 hours. 4 There are several daily flights to Koh Tao piers from 4 different, all outside the city of Chumphon: the last one is at midnight, while the first is at 7.30. The total trip from Bangkok takes about 11 hours (7 hours by bus to Chumphon and then 4 hours by boat), train or something more should also be a bit 'more expensive (the 2 nd class, without A / C, costs 200 baht, the 1 st class costs 400 baht). The VIP bus trip with A / C costs about 275 baht (last rides at 22.30 to 23.30 and from the south terminal, maybe there's a race to 14, which costs 150 baht). There is a bus that departs from Bangkok at 19.30 and arrives in Chumphon at 5.30, coinciding with the arrival of the boat at 8.30 am and 10.30 am in Ko Tao. Keep in mind that the cost of Ko Tao is Chumphon-should be around 200 baht for the Fishing boat (5 / 7 hours) and 400 baht for Speed boat (2 / 3 hours). There is a fishing boat that leaves at midnight. For booking the trip, favor the following agencies in Khaosan Road: Vista Travel Service, Travel RIS Nathalie; CFT Tours, Tour TamiOnce arrived in Ko Tao we must not stop on its two main beaches located near the port, (Mae Haad and Sairee Beach) as they are poorly maintained and damaged by neglect of local and visitors. Instead we must reach the bays that are hidden around the island: among these we recommend Chalok Bankai Bay (4 km south of the pier, beach and very rich in local hotels for the evening) and above Sairee Beach, long beach a few km from the pier in Mae Haad, where at night there is plenty of life. From Ko Tao you can go with a long tails boat to Ko Nang Yuan: The price is around 100 baht per person. Still on long-tail boat rides around the island you can discover secluded beaches (1,000 baht per boat for the circumnavigation of the island).There are many possibilities for accommodation on the island, however, is often full during peak periods. Featured Hotels Tropicana Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok): bungalows to 300 baht. Tel 45.61.67. JP Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok): 250 baht Porn Resort (Baan Kao beach Chalok) Ko Tao Cottage (Chalok Baan Kao beach): 660 baht Ko Tao Palace (Sairee Beach): 1,300 baht. Tel 456 504 / 5. Fax: 456,250. Absolutely the best of all! Ko Nang Yuan (prefix 077)In the vicinity of Ko Tao is a 'special and unique appeal. Three small islands, known as Ko Nang Yuan, are joined together by a wonderful and scenic stretch of beach silver reef that takes the form of three-pointed star. In this exclusive resort there are no roads and motor vehicles. The hotel accommodation is limited to a luxury resort (Koh Nang Yuan Island: 1,500 baht including breakfast) and a few bungalows.Ko Phangan (prefix 077)Ko Phangan is reached by 1 hour by boat from Ko Samui (Bophut port) or from Ko Tao. The island's main town Thong Sala, home to about half of the island and place of the ferry docks. The island is full of very beautiful waterfall (Nam Tok Phaeng, and Thanprapat Thanprawet). We recommend a trip Cactus Club's Reggae Magic Boat Trip: costs 350 baht (departure at 10.30) and offers the complete circumnavigation of the island with stops at beautiful and inaccessible beaches of Hat and Hat Khuat Khor (ask at the Cactus Club or the Outback Bar in Haad Rin). We suggest a trip to the nearby island of Ko Mae. Do not stay for the beach Haad Drin, too messy at the festivals of the Full Moon Party! Featured Hotels Asia Hotel (near the pier): 500 baht with A / C. Phangan Chai Hotel (near the pier): 900 baht with A / C. Tel 37.70.68.
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